Selected Works

“Bristol Palin is a Realtor,” (EPOCH, Spring 2023)

“Though I chose to watch Ashley instead of listening to what she was saying, I could still tell she was a true believer, praying sincerely and fluently. In my youth, I had wondered whether faith was a practiced skill or if it was instead something that just arrived at a certain stage of life, like pubic hair, and, if so, whether both traits were not in their own ways vestigial. But eventually, I came to understand that it was simply a pre-determined matter of wiring, and that I was never going to see anything other than smoke and mirrors, cheap wine and stale brioche.”

“Hope v. Texas,” (The University of Illinois Law Review Online, September 2021)

“Without spoiling it, this is a highly unusual piece (and pushes the sort of formal & [non]fictional boundaries I like to see dissolve) and stood out effortlessly from the crowd for its unusual format and style; it is a fascinating and compelling example of fiction masquerading as fact/history. The Atwood influence is clear, but the story remains highly original, with a genuine ‘gasp’ moment about two-thirds of the way through. Some truly breathtaking and hard-hitting moments in this piece which, sadly, continues to be relevant.”

- Katy Darby, author of The Unpierced Heart; The Whores’ Asylum

“The Queen of Switzerland,” (Wigleaf, December 2022)

“And I had taken it for granted, just as I had taken her bite and her wit and her beauty for granted. But still, I wasn't in the mood for a lecture about the toll my insomnia and recreational alcoholism had taken. True, I had gained a little weight and acquired the dark, hollowed eyes of someone who spends his nights flying around on a soup ladle, pestering villagers, but I was an artist, and people always forgave artists their flaws.”

“The Last Vampires of California,” (The Moth, Winter 2022-23)